Detox Diet: Why Or Why Not?

Everyone’s Instagram feeds are full of aesthetically pleasing pictures of juices, shakes, and detox solutions that are a part of today’s healthy eating culture. Consuming raw, organic vegetable and fruit juice as part of a three-day meal plan is the new “in” thing. Detox juice is the nutritious extracted juices of fruit and vegetables drank over a period of time. For non-vegetable lovers, it’s the best way to take in the required vegetable count without having to taste them! There are multiple reasons why people opt for a detox diet – to lose weight, clean their system of “unhealthy” substances i.e. caffeine, sugar, cholesterol, feel refreshed. A diet dependent upon liquids is bound to have its fair share of pros and cons. While the detox diet has its perks, one must be extremely careful when resorting to it. Here’s a balanced list of what makes a juicing diet good and bad for the body:

  • Pros

  • A juicing diet is beneficial on a number of levels, catalyzing the body’s natural detox processes, clearing the system of substances that would deter the body’s energy.
  • It gives people their necessary dose of nutrients and in liquid form, enabling the body to better absorb the vitamins and minerals
  • It helps detox the liver, feed good bacteria into the gut, lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • Also has the tendency to give bursts of energy and improve athletic performance
  • Cons

  • The weight loss is only short term and is not entirely healthy, as the detox diet creates a calorie deficit that is the result of an exclusively liquid diet
  • The body doesn’t need a juicing diet or detox as the body has a natural process of detoxing its organs
  • It may make the person feel lightheaded and dizzy due to lack of solid food and can severely affect their hair and nail growth
  • The juices do not contain much in the form of protein, healthy fat, or fiber, resulting in a chemical imbalance in the  brain causing the person to feel depressed and fatigued.

It is entirely a question of one’s body type, calories they need every day, and digestive system that determines the type of diet best suited for them. While the juicing diet may work wonders for some people, the negative effects cannot be overlooked. It’s healthy to incorporate it as part of one’s diet but substituting it for a healthy meal is not the best decision.